头盔跟踪器传感器无论环境或行业如何,确保人员安全并保持运营效率都是至关重要的。但有些行业被归类为高风险行业,在这些行业中,安全更为重要。Lansitec 的尖端技术…… 阅读更多 »智能头盔配备传感器,可预防事故,提高安全性和效率
头盔跟踪器传感器无论环境或行业如何,确保人员安全并保持运营效率都是至关重要的。但有些行业被归类为高风险行业,在这些行业中,安全更为重要。Lansitec 的尖端技术…… 阅读更多 »智能头盔配备传感器,可预防事故,提高安全性和效率
Personal Tracking With Helmet sensor Personal tracking sensors are not a novelty and have been used successfully for years, however in general they are not designed with flexibility of application in mind. In most cases they rely on one technology/feature… 阅读更多 »Personal Tracking for Indoor and Outdoor Poitioning
工业工人智能头盔传感器 工作场所的安全至关重要,尤其是在大型建筑工地和工厂车间,风险是日常工作的一部分。头盔追踪器是这些工地的必备品,需要…… 阅读更多 »使用 Lansitec 头盔跟踪器传感器保障工人安全
COMPARISON LoRaWAN NB-IoT Modulation Chirp spread spectrum modulation Quadrature phase shift keying modulation Frequency “Unlicensed ISM bands 868MHz in Europe 915MHz in North America 470MHz in China” Licensed LTE frequency Bands. Bandwidth 125KHz, 250KHz and 500KHz 200KHz Link Budge 165dBm… 阅读更多 »Difference Between LoRaWAN and NB-IoT for Tracking Application
Our products are designed to be ultra-thin and lightweight, without compromising on quality or durability. You can choose from different sizes: 90x60x2.5mm with a sleek edge of only 1.5mm and a sturdy center of 2.5mm68x60x3.5mm with a sleek edge of… 阅读更多 »New Product: Bluetooth Tracking Sticker Label
A temperature and humidity sensor is one of the best electronic devices that checks the temperature of its surroundings and changes the input information into electronic information to record monitor or signal temperature changes.
myDevices Indoor Asset Tracking Solution https://youtu.be/ce_piXdSMXc via @YouTube Reach out to us on more detailed introduction of our B-Mobile solutioin.
‘Friend’ function now available on #Lansitec proximity detection badges! Check out this video to see how we enable non-obtrusive contact tracing for COVID-19 solutions. https://vimeo.com/443245130
Looking for ways to facilitate management? Lansitec Badge Tracker • Proximity Detection • Features Buzzer & Vibrator • LoRa Data Backhaul
We are working hard to help reopen businesses. Check out this introduction video to our latest proximity detection and alert solution. https://vimeo.com/412582958