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Lansitec Launches SocketSync Bluetooth Gateway for Enhanced Connectivity

Nanjing, Jiangsu – July 5, 2024

랜시텍 기술, a leading IoT people and asset tracking solution provider, is excited to announce the launch of its innovative SocketSync Bluetooth Gateway. This advanced device leverages cutting-edge BLE and LoRa technology to deliver unparalleled indoor tracking and communication capabilities, ensuring robust performance and reliability in diverse environments.

Introducing the SocketSync Bluetooth Gateway

그만큼 Lansitec SocketSync Bluetooth Gateway is a perfect addition to any tracking solution. It is a LoRaWAN gateway device designed for seamless communication and tracking. It features advanced functionalities that enhance connectivity and user experience, making it an essential tool for efficient asset management and monitoring.

소켓 블루투스 라이선싱

SocketSync Bluetooth Gateway

The SocketSync Bluetooth Gateway is designed based on BLE and LoRa technology. With the advanced LoRa technology and built-in BLE module, the BLE gateway receives and reports the BLE devices messages to the LoRaWAN gateway.

주요 특징:

Advanced Communication:
Combines BLE and LoRa technology for efficient data transmission
Receives and reports BLE device messages to the LoRaWAN gateway

Accurate Tracking:
Supports indoor tracking and geo-fencing for precise location monitoring

Customizable Settings:
Adjustable parameters such as heartbeat period, LoRaWAN work mode, and sensor data payload
Configurable Bluetooth payload to suit various application requirements

Efficient Power Management:
Low power consumption with Bluetooth 5.0 long-distance capabilities
Built-in rechargeable battery for continuous operation

Simple Installation:
Easy to install with robust design and reliable performance

Customer Benefits

Lansitec’s SocketSync Bluetooth Gateway provides tailored solutions to enhance connectivity and tracking in various environments. Key benefits include:

Seamless Data Transmission: 
Combines BLE and LoRa technology to ensure efficient and reliable communication between devices and gateways.

Enhanced Tracking Capabilities: 
Supports accurate indoor tracking and geo-fencing, enabling precise monitoring of assets and personnel.

Customizable and Flexible: 
Adjustable settings allow users to tailor the device’s operation to their specific needs, enhancing versatility and functionality.

Energy Efficient: 
Designed for low power consumption, extending operational life and reducing maintenance needs.

Easy Deployment: 
Simple installation process and robust design ensure quick and reliable setup in diverse environments.

About Lansitec Technology

2015년에 설립된 Lansitec Technology는 사람과 자산 추적을 위한 혁신적인 IoT 솔루션을 제공하는 데 전념합니다. 장쑤성 난징에 본사를 둔 Lansitec은 최신 LoRa 및 NB-IoT 기술을 통합하여 원활한 실내 및 실외 위치 지정 서비스를 제공하는 데 특화되어 있습니다. 포괄적인 하드웨어, 소프트웨어 및 데이터 분석 도구 제품군을 갖춘 Lansitec은 건설, 광산, 의료 및 물류를 포함한 다양한 산업에 서비스를 제공합니다.

자세한 내용은 다음을 방문하세요. 랜시텍 기술 또는 저희에게 연락하세요 연락처@lansitec.com


미디어 문의처: 

랜시텍 기술 

웹사이트: www.lansitec.com

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