
ケーススタディ: Lansitec Bluetooth ビーコンとタグによる Windows セキュリティの強化

In today’s increasingly remote work environment, securing access to sensitive company data is paramount. Traditional username and password logins are vulnerable to phishing and other attack vectors, leaving organizations susceptible to unauthorized access. This case study explores how Lansitec’s i3, i5、 そして B005 Bluetooth beacons and tags can be integrated with Windows Hello for Business to implement a robust, multi-factor authentication solution, preventing remote logins even with compromised credentials.

Challenge: Security Risk

Traditional login methods relying solely on usernames and passwords present a significant security risk. If an employee’s credentials are compromised, malicious actors can remotely access their Windows accounts and potentially gain access to confidential information. This vulnerability is especially concerning with the rise of remote work, where employees may be accessing company resources from less secure networks.

Windows Security Login Demo


Lansitec’s Bluetoothビーコン and tags, in conjunction with Windows Hello for Business, offer a strong, multi-factor authentication approach. By requiring the presence of a physical Bluetoothビーコン or tag within close proximity of the computer, the solution effectively blocks remote login attempts, even if an attacker possesses the correct username and password.

How it Works

Enrollment: Employees enroll their Lansitec Bluetooth beacon or tag with their Windows Hello for Business account. This process links the physical device to their digital identity.

Tag Links to Digital Identity

Proximity Check: The computer uses Bluetooth technology to detect the beacon or tag. If the device is not within the defined proximity range, the login attempt is denied, even if the correct credentials are entered.

Remote Login Prevention: Because the Bluetooth beacon or tag must be physically present, remote login attempts are effectively thwarted. Even if an attacker has the username and password, they cannot log in without the associated Bluetooth device.

i3 Portable Bluetooth Tag

The tag continuously advertises iBeacon messages according to settings. It advertises built-in 3D Accelerometer parameters when it is moved. The compact size makes it convenient to install.


  • 強化されたセキュリティ:
    Significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access due to compromised credentials.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication:
    Adds a strong layer of security beyond traditional username and password logins.
  • Protection Against Remote Attacks:
    Effectively blocks remote login attempts, even with stolen credentials.
  • User-Friendly:
    The login process remains simple and convenient for authorized users.
  • コスト効率が高い:
    Lansitec’s Bluetooth beacons and tags offer a cost-effective solution for enhancing security.
  • Flexible Deployment:
    The i3, i5, and B005 models offer various form factors to suit different user needs and environments.  
  • Integration with Windows Hello for Business:
    Seamlessly integrates with existing Windows authentication infrastructure.

i5 Bluetooth Bracelet

ビーコンは設定に従って iBeacon メッセージを継続的に送信します。シリコンゲル ブレスレットと IP67 エンクロージャにより、患者や訪問者を追跡して安全を確保したり、タイミングを監視したりするのに最適です。


Lansitec’s Bluetooth beacons and tags, combined with Windows Hello for Business, provide a robust and user-friendly solution to enhance Windows security. By requiring the presence of a physical Bluetooth device for login, organizations can effectively prevent remote access attempts and protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, even in the event of compromised credentials. This multi-factor authentication approach significantly strengthens security posture and mitigates the risks associated with traditional login methods.


B005 Bluetoothビーコン

Bluetooth ビーコンは、設定に従って iBeacon メッセージを継続的にアドバタイズします。2 つの大容量ボタン電池が内蔵されています。アドバタイズ間隔が 500 ミリ秒の場合、バッテリーの最大寿命は約 5 年です。


2015 年に設立された Lansitec Technology は、人や資産の追跡のための革新的な IoT ソリューションの提供に注力しています。江蘇省南京に拠点を置く Lansitec は、最新の LoRa および NB-IoT テクノロジーを統合して、シームレスな屋内および屋外の測位サービスを提供することに特化しています。包括的なハードウェア、ソフトウェア、データ分析ツールを備えた Lansitec は、建設、鉱業、医療、物流など、さまざまな業界にサービスを提供しています。

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