Lansitec B-Mobile solution’s core product, LoRa Bluetooth Gateway, uses Bluetooth 5.0 (BLE mode) and LoRaWAN technology. It receives nearby Bluetooth beacon messages, restructures all data and forwards them to the LoRaWAN gateway.
It supports maximum 100 beacons. The Bluetooth receiving duration and LoRa report interval are adjustable via a downlink command to save power and for all use cases. It is a perfect product for asset and personal management. Below are some typical ones:
- Vehicle Tracker in a Parking Lot:
- Asset Tracking in Hospital, Warehouse, and Office
- Headcount in classrooms, offices
- Data transfer for monitoring.
Product: indoor Bluetooth gateway, compact Bluetooth gateway, Solar Bluetooth gateway
Attached a Bluetooth beacon or tag in the car and deploy some gateways in the parking lot at fixed locations.
The gateway helps to know the location of the car to improve management efficiency and customer experience.
The compact Bluetooth gateway has a built-in 600mAh rechargeable battery and is perfect for use where there may be a sudden power outage.
The solar Bluetooth gateway is deployed towards the sun and can work 24×7 without any power source. It is a perfect product for open areas where there is no power connection.
Product: indoor Bluetooth gateway, compact Bluetooth gateway, macro Bluetooth gateway
The macro Bluetooth gateway has a built-in 38,000mAh battery pack and works for 4 years (SF7, 80 bytes data, 8s Bluetooth receiving and 140s report interval).
Cellphone or Bluetooth tag + compact Bluetooth gateway
Bluetooth temperature sensor + Compact Bluetooth gateway for refrigerator temperature monitoring.
3rd party Bluetooth device data to LoRaWAN data transfer, for example, Bluetooth tools, cellphones, etc.
The Bluetooth gateway can be used in the following scenario:
- How many assets are there in a specific area?
- How many people are there in a room?
- How to monitor the temperature in a supermarket refrigerator?
- How to transfer a Bluetooth tool’s message to the cloud, especially outdoor or in a big warehouse?