Hi Matias
Thanks for your question. You can refer to the tracker datasheet to decode the data and use our triangulation Java library for accurate positioning. For further support, please email us.
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RE: Badge Tracker
Hi, thanks for contact us. Could you send an email to contact@lansitec.com and we'll send the datasheet to you.
RE: Lansitec Badge GPS Tracker
@jgerardoreino It is in the shipping list. Please check your email. Thanks.
RE: Downlink commands for compact BLE gateway?
@magchecks Please email us contact@lansitec.com and we'll send the account to you. Thanks.
RE: Downlink commands for compact BLE gateway?
Please refer to the datasheet or the payload decoder page.
http://iot.lansitec.com:8081/download/index.html?name=Gateway -
RE: Downlink commands for compact BLE gateway?
Hi there, thanks for reaching out to us. Could you kindly send your request to contact@lansitec.com ? Our team members will provide technical support promptly.
RE: Conatct ?
Hi, the contact page is under maintenance it'll be back on-line today. Please send an email to contact@lansitec.com and we'll reply you as soon as we reiceve it. Sorry for the inconvenience.
RE: How to configure Badge Bluetooth Beacon 100-03981
Hi, did you get the badges already? Please email the sales people who you contacted and he will help.
How to configure Badge Bluetooth Beacon 100-03981
Hello, I would like to know how to configure this particular Badge (the 100-03981) beacause it says in the datasheet that its Broadcast Interval can be adjustable, right now is reporting every 10 seconds. Thanks.